Last season the Gateshead Fed had in its boundaries according to the UNC 2022 official handbook, nine clubs with 87 lofts. It’s a place I've visited often over the many years of scribing. Not absolutely certain as the 'grey cells' as Poirot calls them are now into their 77th year and the memory part of those 'grey cells' can play tricks on me, but I think the first visit to this Fed to write up the lofts 1st UNC win was the Bainbridge and Wilson, Dunston HS loft, this from Lillers against 17,404 birds back in 1976. Throughout the ensuing close to 50 years since that win, the members of this Fed have consistently put up some great performances, and 1st UNC wins have continued to arrive. The Peter Scott and Davie Arkle team, brother-in-laws they were, they some how managed (LOL) to top it three times, 1982, 1987 and 1990 and my long-time friend Davie I was talking to at the NEHU Show recently. He is still flying a great pigeon, as the lists with this article will show. Not too sure about Freeman Bros of Stormont Main HS, I'm pretty sure this Club was a Gateshead Fed Club at the time, a 1983 1st UNC for them.