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Mallaburn Brothers - Sale

History of Mallaburn Brothers (Johnny & Martin) in pigeon racing. We started 22 years ago, the way everyone else does, with very little or nothing, but we got better and better pigeon as the years rolled by. It was in 2008 when we we got the Walter Docx pigeons it took us to another level, we won the averages in our club for a few years flying against some top lofts. Our highlights are 4th Combine from Clermont and 10th Combine Fontenay, flying right up in Alnwick. But then in 2018 we thought we would get some new pigeons to put to the blend into what we already had, so we got the Louis Cooreman directs from Jimmy Common of Newbiggin, our good friend; they hit the ground running straight away. We have a hen that's bred 28 x 1st Club, 7 x 1st Fed, 1 x 1st Section (1) UNC and is also grandam to 1st Club, 1st Fed, 1st Section, 10th UNC YB National. Anyway, back to we got in pigeon wise.


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